Thanks Giving

I am thankful to fellow blogger vajra for Nominating me for this Award. It feels good when someone likes your work and appreciates it, i don't know whether i deserve this award or not, but anyways i'm thankful to my fellow bloggers for considering me. check out Vajra's blog "CafeAdda"

Now there are certain rules to be followed,
1. Create a new post
2. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.(Optional, It's Alright if you don't want to thank the person)
3.Pass it on to your fellow bloggers.
4.State 7 random facts about you.
5.Claim and post the award pic.

 It's time to pass this award to fellow bloggers

1. To JPK for his awesome comical narration posts on politics. "Judeunleashed"
2. To Shakti Dwivedi for his awesome posts on Photography "The365imageproject"
3. To Nabanita Dhar for her exceptional posts on Women "Randomthoughts--Naba"
4. To Hariharan Valady for his posts on Humor and politics "Valadyviews"
5. To Manu Kattayan for his crazy photography skills "Crazy capture Photography"

7 random facts about me.
1. I love blogging,Photography and Gaming.
2. i am a consumer activist
3. that other facts about me coming soon.


  1. Congrats for the Award Purushottam.Your writings in various flavors says that u deserve for this Award...Rock On

  2. I've surfed the net more than three hours today, and your blog was the coolest of all. Thanks a lot, it is really useful to me


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